क्लेटाबेस इमेज रिसाइज़र
हमारा इमेज रिसाइज़र क्रॉप्ड, रिसाइज़्ड या स्केल्ड वैल्यू वाली किसी भी ऑनलाइन इमेज की एक कॉपी लौटाता है, विशेष रूप से तब उपयोगी होता है जब इसे वेब साइट डिज़ाइन में उपयोग किया जाता है
Our image resizer is completely free of charge, it will enable you to scale, resize and crop an image from elsewhere on the web.
The options should be self explanatory, apart from the Image Mode;
- Scale - resizes the image to the max width or max height whilst keeping the aspect ratio
- Resize - a combination of cropping and scaling, will cut off imaging beyond the aspect ratio of the input value, whilst respecting height and width.
- Crop - takes a snippet of the image (from the middle for the time being) within the bounds of the image size.
If any maximum values are bigger than the original then the system defaults to a crop, and returns the bounds of the original image...